Bob's Metals, Chemicals and Intermediates

Smelt extra ores into plates, and make useful intermediate products. A key part of the Bob's mods suite.

a year ago
0.13 - 1.1

b Silver Plate Recipe

3 years ago

After the most recent Factorio update (1.1.34), assemblers that were set to produce Superior Circuit boards (blue boards) no longer accept silver plate. Silver plate is still a requirement for these circuit boards, but the assemblers will no longer accept the silver plate. The error message "only silver plate can be inserted here, not silver plate" pops up when you try to place silver plate into the assembler by hand. Is this an issue with this mod (Bob's Metals, Chemicals and Intermediates) or is it something to do with the "Bob's Electronics" mod recipes? I also noticed there is now a new recipe for silver wire, yet there doesn't seem to be anything that uses silver wire?

3 years ago

Are you sure it isn't a conflict with another mod?

5Dim for example, I know he creates some items that have the same name, but are named differently internally, which gets confusing because the player just sees "Silver plate" and "Silver plate", and while they seem like the same thing to the player, they're 2 different things to the game.

Also, I looked into it, Bob's mods itself does NOT require silver plates to craft Superior Circuit board, it requires Gold, so there's definitely something in another mod you have there changing things.

3 years ago

I play with most of Bob's and Angel's mods together. I dug around some more and the issue seems to be with the Angels Smelting mod. Version "0.6.14" of Angels Smelting lists fiberglass board, copper plate, gold plate, and ferric solution as the ingredients for the blue "Superior Circuit Board". These exact same ingredients are also used to make the purple "Multi-layer Circuit Board" (just double the ingredients). Version "0.6.15" of the Angels Smelting mod has changed the ingredients for the blue "Superior Circuit Board" to Fiberglass board, copper plate, SILVER PLATE, and ferric solution, whereas the purple "Multi-Layer Circuit Board" ingredients have stayed the same. I'm guessing Arch666Angel wanted to adjust those two recipes to make them different from one another.

Looks like I'll post a comment on the Angel's Smelting mod and see if there is a fix on the way. It sounds like "Silver Plate" has two different names internally like you mentioned.

By the way, I love your mods. You have done some awesome work improving this already excellent game.

3 years ago

Okay, I'll link this in Angel's discord channel.

New response