I don't know the exact cause, but have heard about that recipe going missing when you have lots of mods installed. (Angels and AAI were mentioned previously to me)
Having Bobs, Angels, AAI and Py mods installed does tend to be a recipe for disaster though, when you throw that many mod packs together, small errors like this do creep in, and since you're dealing with 4 different people/teams, everyone ends up pointing fingers at each other.
All I know is, I add the recipe, and it should be available. Other mods change it (In this case, where it is unlocked), and if more than one tries to do that, since everybody is using their own mod library system (set of functions they call to perform tasks, rather than repeating the same code over and over again, one of the advantages to this is you can have the function perform more complex tasks like error checking, and it's still just one line of code to call it and perform the task), it's possible that when one mod moves it, then another tries to move it somewhere else, the unlock gets lost.
I know AAI's library for example has a system to find and remove an unlock, so it would get deleted even if it isn't on the technology his mod expects it to be, but if the technology he's trying to add it to doesn't exist (say for example, Angels deleted it), then it would get removed, but not re-added, leading to the current situation.
I'm not saying that is what is happening in this case, but that is a very likely scenario, given the ins and outs of how these mods change things. (and I barely know anything about the ins and outs of Angels and AAI, and know nothing about Py)