Bob's Metals, Chemicals and Intermediates

Smelt extra ores into plates, and make useful intermediate products. A key part of the Bob's mods suite.

11 months ago
0.13 - 1.1

i New recipe for TNT

4 years ago

Hi there
I watched video how tnt was made
and I see there's not a proper recipe for that is here:
So to get tnt you need to toulene, sulfuric and nitric acid

4 years ago

Hi there
I watched video how tnt was made
and I see there's not a proper recipe for that is here:
So to get tnt you need toulene, sulfuric and nitric acid

4 years ago

and toulene is also used in production of high-octan fuel and production of plastic

4 years ago

That exact recipe is in Angel’s Petrochemical Processing.

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