Bob's Metals, Chemicals and Intermediates

Smelt extra ores into plates, and make useful intermediate products. A key part of the Bob's mods suite.

9 months ago
0.13 - 1.1

g Chemical plant and productivity modules

4 years ago

Hello, I was playing around with producing rocket fuel with Hydrazine and Dinitrogen Tetroxide.
This production basically requires compressed air and pure water, but will normally end up consuming more compressed air and pure water than it produces.
There are many steps in this process, but they can all be boosted with productivity modules.

In the Hydrazine step, the byproduct is pure water. This byproduct can be fed back into the first step, making a loop.

This loop was working fine until I stuck in 6x raw productivity modules (+240%) into the Hydrazine chemical plant. In this case, there is now more pure water than can be consumed by the Electrolyser and this causes the loop to seize up.

My question is, aside from the first and final steps, is being able to produce more intermediate chemicals than is inputted intentional?
To me, it seems unrealistic to get more than is inputted and the chemistry ratios seem to be realistic and well thought out.

4 years ago

I'm thinking I need to do some tweaks, perhaps I'll add the byproducts to the Catalysts list (That means they're not produced from productivity runs, only normal runs) which means it shouldn't overflow.

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