Bob's Metals, Chemicals and Intermediates

Smelt extra ores into plates, and make useful intermediate products. A key part of the Bob's mods suite.

11 months ago
0.13 - 1.1

i Plutonium requirement is too unbalanced

4 years ago
(updated 4 years ago)

Hi, I tried out bob after a long hiatus, and found that the plutonium requirement is currently too harsh for space science.

Basically, I built all the other science and researched practically everything before going into space science. Then I suddenly found that the only way to get plutonium is to breed it in a reactor, which is cool, and realistic, and so on, but it also means that I not only had to build a reactor just for that, I also had to artificially increase electricity usage, as science is basically the only thing that uses the electricity and I had no science to research left (infinite science tiers require space science...).

As end result, I built lots of beacons and other items as there is no nice way to just waste electricity, and I still had to wait 4 hours to get all the required plutonium, while not being able to do anything useful.

Thats neither realistic nor fun, nor balanced, IMHO.

I would suggest having another recipe to get plutonium, such as a breeding recipe in some machine (or maybe a special breeding reactor). Otherwise I fear especially people starting new games will maneuver themselves into a dead end, like I did, when they research non-space science first and then find themselves with this requirement, and no easy way to fulfill it.

Just my 2¢.

4 years ago
(updated 4 years ago)
  1. Reactors do fully burn their fuel even if they're not producing any power, it's a bit of a waste of fuel, but if you really need the plutonium, it works.
  2. There is a breeding recipe for Plutonium, the "Bobingabout Enrichment Process", however it does require having a sufficient quantity of it to begin with. It's like the Kovorex Enrichment Process, except plutonium instead of U235. So you need to get some from a reactor, but then once you get this going, it's all you need.

But yes, I can see what you mean about digging yourself a hole.

I guess I could respond by asking what you used to power your base instead of exploring the Nuclear route? You did say you researched everything.

4 years ago

I just reached that hole. I come to internet to find clues how to get plutonium and I'm baffled with needing the nuclear reactor for it. I was expecting a small chance of getting plutonium like we do in uranium processing to get 0.7% U235.
Now I guess I got to spam a few reactors just to kickstart the process, which I agree with schmorp, it's a bit forcing the players to use that kind of electricity. What if I only want coal energy? Or solar? No, you got to build reactors, and not for uranium, for plutonium.
A new player has no insight this may happen and does indeed end in the loophole (out of science to research, needing space science).
Think of something to ease the gathering of plutonium for new folks? Or a strong hint towards doing reactors, cause you will need it? Thanks.

New response