Bob's Metals, Chemicals and Intermediates

Smelt extra ores into plates, and make useful intermediate products. A key part of the Bob's mods suite.

9 months ago
0.13 - 1.1

g [Info]pump smaller

5 years ago

could you make the pumps (those that produce fluids from nowhere) 2x1, instead of 2x2?

theis icon is actually 2x1, but above all, the fact that they occupy more on one side than on he other is bothersome when you use them

5 years ago

I was going to change the graphic to cover the whole 2x2 area.
I even have graphics to do this, but the main reason why I haven't is because I was having issues making them function correctly. (Not exactly rendered up to Factorio specs.)

5 years ago

I didn't understand, you had trouble making the icon 2x2, or the occupied space 2x1?

5 years ago

graphics 2x2.

2x1 is possible, but the reason I didn't do that to begin with is because a 2x2 makes it more flexible on how you connect belts and chests to it through inserters.

5 years ago

Are we talking about the same thing? The pump produces weather, lithia weather or pure weather, you don't use chest, belts, or inserters to move those

5 years ago

by the way, what is the gas venting pump supous to do?

5 years ago

if it's the pump I'm thinking of, it's a 2x2 entity with an input pipe and output pipe.
if you turn on the legacy setting to allow them, they can be used to create Lithia/pure/normal water.
They're also used to (un)barrel fluids, which is why there's an input pipe.
Those I was going to replace the graphics on.

The gas venting pump is what it says, it vents gas. You pump a gas into it (Oxygen, Hydrogen, Chlorine etc) that you don't want, and it disapears, creating (or cleaning) pollution, based on the gas.

5 years ago

oh, ok, thanks

4 years ago
(updated 4 years ago)

Sorry to resurrect this, but I have been trying to fix the selection/collision mask for the water pump from a 2x2 selection to a 2x1 selection, but whenever I attempt to load up the game it claims the connection points are not outside of the bounding box. What changes do I need to make in order for the water pump to show up as a 2x1 tile and not a 2x2 (picture below to give an idea as to when I'm attempting to do)

Link with a quick photoshop what I'm attempting to do: (may need to shift it to the left .1/.2)

If there are any other entities similar to this (newer player, haven't checked the other pumps, but if there are any other pumps that are currently (by that I mean in 0.17) a 2x1 looking entities I'd like to commit that change to the others as well.

1 year, 1 month ago

Please tell me, is this pump still working?

1 year, 1 month ago

Yes, they still work. However if you are using Angel's mods, they will be disabled (by Angel's).

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