Bob's Modules

Expansion to the Modules system.

1 year, 1 month ago
0.13 - 1.1

b Module lab amd components are missing

3 years ago

Hello, i have downloaded this mod after i completed vanilla module techs, now i dont see module lab or any other components recipes. In modules tab there is only efficency, speed and productivity 1-2-3 as in vanilla, there is nıthing new in other tabs. I completed all researches related to it. Modules lab and others seem unlocked in tech tree with the vanilla module research but they are not in the recipe book

3 years ago
(updated 3 years ago)

Press the ~ key to bring up the chat box and enter the following command:
/c for _, force in pairs(game.forces) do force.reset_technology_effects() end
You should be able to copy and paste the text. Let me know if that helps.

3 years ago

It did work, thank you!

3 years ago

Bobplates (Metals, Chemicals and Intermediates) runs this command automatically in "on_configuration_changed" script, which runs every time you add/remove a mod, or change a mod's settings.
The main reason why it's on here any not everywhere, is because Bobplates is considered the base mod, and you only really need to run it once.
It also screws up other mods that use scripts to unlock things, so if they know when it is triggered they can write around it.

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