I suggest to increase the throughput of pipes depending on their tiers.
to facilitate the change, I noticed that this corresponds to the variable "height".
In the file "prototypes \ entity \ pipes.lua" only need to add to every type of pump.
for example:
if data.raw.item["silicon-nitride"] then
type = "pipe",
name = "ceramic-pipe",
icon = "boblogistics/graphics/icons/pipe/ceramic-pipe.png",
icon_size = 32,
flags = {"placeable-neutral", "player-creation"},
minable = {hardness = 0.2, mining_time = 0.2, result = "ceramic-pipe"},
max_health = 250,
corpse = "small-remnants",
resistances =
type = "fire",
percent = 90
fast_replaceable_group = "pipe",
collision_box = {{-0.29, -0.29}, {0.29, 0.29}},
selection_box = {{-0.5, -0.5}, {0.5, 0.5}},
fluid_box =
base_area = 1,--2,
height = 7, <-----------------------------------------
pipe_connections =
{ position = {0, -1} },
{ position = {1, 0} },
{ position = {0, 1} },
{ position = {-1, 0} }
pictures = bob_pipepictures("ceramic"),
working_sound =
sound = {
filename = "base/sound/pipe.ogg",
volume = 0.65
match_volume_to_activity = true,
max_sounds_per_type = 3
horizontal_window_bounding_box = {{-0.25, -0.25}, {0.25, 0.15625}},
vertical_window_bounding_box = {{-0.28125, -0.40625}, {0.03125, 0.125}},