Bob's Adjustable Inserters

Adds hotkeys and a GUI to adjust inserter pickup and drop locations.

4 months ago
0.13 - 2.0

i [Implemented]Instead of blacklist system,check allow_custom_vector in prototype

2 years ago
(updated 2 years ago)

and limit the data-update.lua only work on inserter that is in the list,like:

    local vanilla_inserter=
    for _,inserter_name in pairs(vanilla_inserter) do
        local inserter=data.raw.inserter[inserter_name];
        if not inserter then goto skip; end
        if not inserter.hand_size then  inserter.hand_size = 1.5; end
2 years ago

and boblogistics`s inserter just need to add allow_custom_vectors=true into each prototype entry.

2 years ago

and ofc,I think the blacklist can preserved if other modding guy really want to use allow_custom_vectors but without being adjust freely in bobinserter...

2 years ago

Well, it is INTENDED to automatically work on any inserter added by any mod. Changing away from Blacklist to a Whitelist breaks the intended behaviour of the mod.

The Blacklist was supposed to be a solution for specific cases like MiniLoaders that uses inserters to mimic the functionality of a Loader.

2 years ago

Well, it is INTENDED to automatically work on any inserter added by any mod. Changing away from Blacklist to a Whitelist breaks the intended behaviour of the mod.

The Blacklist was supposed to be a solution for specific cases like MiniLoaders that uses inserters to mimic the functionality of a Loader.

How about a data phase only property that not allow custom vector be set by this mod?



and the data-upgrade just skip the inserter with non_adjustable set to true,so it fundamentally can be prevented in data phase.

New response