Bob's Adjustable Inserters

Adds hotkeys and a GUI to adjust inserter pickup and drop locations.

4 months ago
0.13 - 2.0

g Replace long hand inserters

3 years ago
(updated 3 years ago)

Is there a way to replace long hand inserter with stack inserter of the same configuration automatically without having to configure each one seperatly?

3 years ago

Placing one inserter on top of another replaces it using fast replace, and keeps custom hand positions.

In the base game, long-handed-inserter does have it's own fast replace category and can't be fast replaced.
but using boblogistics, you can have the inserter overhaul, where long-handed is just a configured normal inserter, so red is just tier 2 inserters.

This mod was intentionally kept to just the adjustable stuff, to make it more acceptable for people just looking for a vanilla+ experience.

3 years ago

damn so if I wanted to switch out all long handed inserters, I would have to remove them and then reconfigue each one manually.

3 years ago

If you're not using bob logistics, and don't want to install it... Yeah, you'd have to remove and re-place all the long handed inserters with other ones.

it would actually be a fairly easy edit for any modded to change long-handed-inserter's fast-replace line to be "inserter". I do not know of a mod that does just that one thing off the top of my head.

Maybe I should have an option in the settings to turn that on?

3 years ago

That would be amazing

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