Bob's Adjustable Inserters

Adds hotkeys and a GUI to adjust inserter pickup and drop locations.

4 months ago
0.13 - 2.0

b Editor mode

4 years ago

When in "editor" mode (console command /editor) the adjusted vectors of inserters is not honored when placing them. For example, ticking the box long-handed drop in the overrides has no effect. Creating a custom pickup/drop location is also ignored. You can them after they are placed.

To be honest I don't know if this is something that changed recently, or if it has always been this way. I only noticed in the last week or so, but thought it worked before.

4 years ago

This is because the editor doesn't trigger the "entity placed by player" event, I'm fairly sure the editor mode doesn't have an event, so I can't look for it.

4 years ago

Oh that makes sense. It must have always been this way and I only just started using the overrides in the sandbox recently. Thanks for the explanation.

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