Bob's Adjustable Inserters

Adds hotkeys and a GUI to adjust inserter pickup and drop locations.

4 months ago
0.13 - 2.0

g Long Inserters missing?

4 years ago

I can research them, but I can't build them?

4 years ago
(updated 4 years ago)

If you have bob logistics installed with the option for inserter overhaul turned on, it removes the long handed inserter in favor of the ability to make any inserter long handed, that's what the research does, lets to configure inserters to be them.

This mod, Bob inserters overrides the features of bob logistics and turns them off, as the functionality is duplicated. (Without Logistics mod, or that setting, Long inserters still exist, but their functionality is redundant as you can change any inserter to be long handed)

Option 1: click the inserter button at the top of the screen, this is the "Pre-Place configuration menu"
Option 1.1: turn on inserter overrides, and turn on long handed. (or long pickup and long drop if you've researched more tech)
Option 1.2: use GUI mode to choose the pickup and drop location, setting a long-handed configuration.
Any inserters you now place will be long-handed.

Option 2: place an inserter as normal. Point to it and press Shift + L to toggle it's range. (I think it's Shift + O and Shift and P to toggle the Drop and Pickup locations independently with more research. Didn't use D as that's a move key)

Option 3: either Shift + E while pointing to an inserter to bring up the configuration GUI, or click on it as normal to bring it up on the side of the main inserter GUI.

Note: keybinds may be set to CTRL instead of Shift.

4 years ago

Thank you for responding.

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