Bob's Adjustable Inserters

Adds hotkeys and a GUI to adjust inserter pickup and drop locations.

4 months ago
0.13 - 1.1

g Research Names

5 years ago
(updated 5 years ago)

I am trying to force these researches and continue to error out. What are the actual names of the researches so I can enable them from the start? Tried using:

player.force.technologies["near-inserters"].researched = true
player.force.technologies["long-inserters-1"].researched = true
player.force.technologies["long-inserters-2"].researched = true
player.force.technologies["more-inserters-1"].researched = true
player.force.technologies["more-inserters-2"].researched = true

5 years ago

Those are the correct names.

keep in mind that player can only be used from the command console in the game, in which case you need to /c in front to make it a command, which disables all achievements. also it's game.player.

if you're doing this in a script, you want to use a for loop to run through all of the game.forces, or use game.forces["player"].technologies.

Also I don't look here very often, for questions like this, you're best off asking on the forums.

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