Bob's Enemies

Adds a few harder enemies.

11 months ago
0.13 - 1.1

g [Will not change]peaceful

2 years ago

can you make expanshon a thang on peaceful as thay dont expand and so the nest dont seem to spawn

2 years ago
(updated 2 years ago)

This sort of thing is just controlled by the base game.
The only thing this mod does is extend the pool of enemies that can be spawned... And add artifacts back in, and more types of them.

2 years ago

man well becuse thay wont epand on there own how fare out do i need to go to see your spawner

2 years ago

Depends if you mean the Elemental spawners, or the Super spawner. It's probably about 5 to 10 clusters for the elemental spawner, and more like 20 for the super spawner.

2 years ago


2 years ago

might be better with me to tock in chunks i dont know what a cluster is a chunk wood be as big as one of the map tiles

2 years ago

Chunks then. I couldn't remember what they were called.

2 years ago

hay wood it be posble to add a setting that makes thim a very uncomen spawn from normal spawners

2 years ago
(updated 2 years ago)

Again, The mod just uses the base game method of spawning things. The only controls available are Distance from home (for map generation) and Evolution Factor (For respawns)
Spawners spawning units (Biters and spitters) does use a different system that lets you choose how common something is, but that doesn't exist for base spawns.

There may be other mods out there that rewrite this. RSO does this for resources.

2 years ago


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