Bob's Enemies

Adds a few harder enemies.

1 year, 2 months ago
0.13 - 1.1

i modded nests

3 years ago

I've decided to play again to factorio (with mods of course) and i would like to have the elementary nest from the beginning with the new ennemies. But all the spawners that spawn near my start point is vanilla nest. Is there something i could modify in the mod's files to make it possible?

3 years ago

I mean, It's possible, but you'd have to modify the mod files.
look at the prototypes/spawners.lua file, fine all instances of autoplace = enemy_autoplace.enemy_spawner_autoplace(5) lines and change the 5 to a 0.
you might also want to change the build_base_evolution_requirement = 0.5 line from a 0.5 to 0.

you may or may not want o change the ones on super spawner, it's entended to be endgame, hard to kill and spawns a lot more often.

3 years ago

Thank you very much! You did a really good job for all the mods

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