Bob's Enemies

Adds a few harder enemies.

1 year, 8 days ago
0.13 - 1.1

g rampant and not enough artifacts

4 years ago

with recent changes to rampant- enemies from this mod spawn rarely if ever and in result im in big shortage of regular alien artifacts , from rampant enemies only neutrals drops basic artifacts and neutrals are also rare after start of game
and for your mods i need a ton of regular artifacts and thing is i got like 100 only while having around 1000 each every other colour ( 60h into game)
there are already recipes to make other colours from basics but no other way around , i think its bc with only your enemies mod basics artifacts are very common and others are rare , could you please add reverse recipes ? 1 colored one to 1 basic one recipe wouldnt change anything for people playing only bob enemies but would be huge help with rampant
any other solution would be nice too :) tnx in advance

4 years ago

The best way to get normal artifacts is from killing enemy bases.

Instead of adding a recipe for turning "Elemental" artifacts into normals, I'll instead just make the Elemental (The ones that spawn from my Elemental (and super) nests) Biters/Spitters also drop normal artifacts.

4 years ago

but with rampant on there is none of your enemies or bases ... well its close to none to be 100% honest as really really rarely you see 1 base here or there , but i dont think i found more than 2 in whole game and by base i dont mean whole base just 1 nest/building of them in whole base of other rampant enemies
i hope your solution works and your fix change that also rampant enemies drop normal artifacts but just to be sure we on same page ill explain that rampant now adds a whole bunch of enemies and they all fall into diffrent category/race , so fire bitters nest use fire and drop only red artifacts , electric use elec and drop only blue , suicide drop yellow and so on, there are few races that drop same color but only one race drop normal artifacts they called neutrals and you can mostly meet them at start of game (at least for my last few games) so after i killed all of them i dont get normal artifacts to use in your mod but im flooding in every other colour
a few updates back rampant used your enemies mod like 1 of races , in settings you could even enable/disable your enemies like you could dowith every other race rampant added, so along other races there was places where only your enemies were living, recent update changed that and enemies from your mod doesnt show up and there is big shortage on normal artifacts to use with your other mods
i posted on rampant page but with no answer, his mod works like expected tho , his new races of enemies and their AI works great there is just this problem with this artifacs so i posted this here
sry for my english and tnx for spending your time to trying to fix this , i start to think mayby finally i save my factory (few plasma turrets here and there would be helpfull)

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