Bob's Assembling machines

Adds assembling machines 4, 5 and 6. And other machine higher tiers too.

1 year, 20 days ago
0.13 - 1.1

b Factorio 0.17.63 fluidbox changes incompatibility

5 years ago

Since Factorio version 0.17.63 my heavily modded game fails to start with this mod installed, throwing the following error (for both client and headless):

Error Util.cpp:83: Error while running setup for entity prototype "advanced-assembler" (assembling-machine): Invalid fluid pipe connections: connections must all be at least 1 tile distance from each other.
assembling-machine fluidbox 2 connection 1 ends up being the same tile as assembling-machine fluidbox 3 connection 1.
Modifications: Expanded Rocket Payloads › Bob's Metals, Chemicals and Intermediates mod › Bob's Assembling machines mod › Expanded Rocket Payloads Touched by an AngelBob › Space Exploration

(I cannot pin down if this is actually related to bobassembly for sure because of my heavy mod-load. Just noted that Space Exploration already delivered a patch for the fluidbox changes. If I am wrong about this, please move on, nothing to see here, nevermind.)

5 years ago

This seems not being this mod. I had a similiar issue and, after a bit of fiddling, I found removing expanded rocket payload make the game start. I suspect that mod or the "expanded rocket payload touched by an angelbob" is the offender.

5 years ago

Yes, this error is NOT this mod.

New response