Bob's Assembling machines

Adds assembling machines 4, 5 and 6. And other machine higher tiers too.

a month ago
0.13 - 1.1

g Incompatible current Factorio version is 0.17.4

4 years ago

Every single Bob mod is in red in the Mod list and it says incompatible with current version :'(

4 years ago
(updated 4 years ago)

0.17.4 is pretty old, 0.17.35 did some mod breaking changes, so many of my mods were updated and will require at least this version to function correctly.
Either update to a newer version of factorio, or use older versions of the mods (like, 0.17.0 of my mods, but not only were many of those early versions buggy, but I've done a lot of development since then, so I'd really recommend updating factorio)

For the best experience, use the latest version of everything (Currently 0.17.50 of factorio, I do understand 0.17.51 will probably break mods too)

This is why it's called Experimental, there's often changes that need to be made for the greater overall experience, but break mods in the process.

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