Bob's Assembling machines

Adds assembling machines 4, 5 and 6. And other machine higher tiers too.

9 months ago
0.13 - 1.1

i some more centrifugues?

5 years ago

could you add tiers 2 and 3 for centrifugues?, faster, and with more module slots

5 years ago

I have thought about this, I just haven't gotten around to doing it yet.

5 years ago

OK, when you can

5 years ago

And, now that I touched this subject, I wanted to ask for more greenhouse tiers, I opened comentes on an already opened thread on that mod (long ago opened), but maybe you didn't see it.

Maybe something like a tier 0, with the current one's speed, and fuel powered, that doesn't accept fertilizer, and then two or three more tiers, electric powered, faster, and able to use fertilizer. Something like that, mainly because the current ones are very slow

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