Blueprint Flip and Turn

by NovaM

Mirrors/Flips a blueprint in hand. WARNING: if you are using factorio 1.0 or factorio >= 0.18.37 then you must use the workaround below: - Grab the blueprint from the new blueprint interface - Drop it in the inventory to make a copy. (there is a row of buttons across the top one of has the letter C on it that is the copy button fot the print that is highlighted) - Grab that copy - The flip buttons work on this copy. This issue is not fixable for now, due to Factorio API limitation.

a month ago
0.16 - 2.0

b [currently unfixable] the New Blueprint Library (factorio >=0.18.37, factorio >=1.0)

4 years ago

Hi! I love this mod and used it extensively prior to Fv1.0.0; I've been missing it greatly; thanks for reviving it.

This mod doesn't work when holding a blueprint from the blueprint library. It only works if I'm holding a blueprint from my personal inventory. This requires me to either 1) move the blueprint from the library to my inventory OR 2) make a copy of the blueprint from the library and place the copy in my inventory.

I have heard from other mods that accessing the blueprint library is not possible; the API doesn't allow it. Is that the cause of this inaction?

4 years ago

Hello IcePirate,

My mod is reading and changing the content on hand.
There is a little piece of code to access, read and write the blueprint content contains in the hand.

Since the major blueprint library change made in the 0.18.37 release

When the player has something in his hand, the lua doesn't not always access this content.
In most case, the content is not accessible.

When I learnt the issue,
I searched in the API before and after the 0.18.37 to find the new way to access the blueprint on hand.
I didn't find any new way.

I don't know where your read that it was impossible, but I got the same conclusion for now most of the case where the player has a blueprint on this hand is not accessible then not changeable.

I hope the situation will change... be patient...

4 years ago

I added the following workaround into the mod description.
(summary from source)

if you are using factorio 1.0 or factorio  >= 18.0.37 : you need to use the workaround below
- Grab the blueprint from the new blueprint interface
- Drop it in the inventory to make a copy. (there is a row of buttons across the top one of has the letter C on it that is the copy button fot the print that is highlighted)
- Grab that copy
- The flip buttons work on this copy.
4 years ago

Thanks for the update. Another mod Quickbar Templates uses a blueprint to save/restore quickbar layouts. It works on regular items but cannot store info about blueprints. That mod author told me about the API limitations w/ blueprints.

The text you added, above, is a bit confusing. Please reword it and correct typos. I'm using v1.0.0 and I don't see a row of button w/ the letter C on it...

NOTE: grabbing a blueprint from the library and dropping it into your personal inventory does not copy it; it moves it out of the library into your personal inventory. This will cause problems for those who don't realize this. You must open the blueprint and use the CREATE COPY OF THIS button and then place the copy into your personal inventory.


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