Blueprintable Trains

by DaveMcW

Add trains to your blueprints.

5 years ago

g Very high UPS usage on large map when making large blueprints

5 years ago

When on a large multiplayer map and making a large blueprint that involves trains the UPS hit can cause the server to time out all players for a minute as it processes the BP. The server is pretty high end and we have gone to the edge of the map on it (1 million tiles) before.
Example BP that caused this:

Is there anything that can be done about this?

5 years ago

To clarify, are you creating a new blueprint or building an existing blueprint?

Holding shift is the reccomended way to create a blueprint.

5 years ago
(updated 5 years ago)

Creating a new blueprint is when the server Max's out cpu.

We don't want to include the trains that happen to be there at the time.

In the MP game there is no disable train blueprint button like in SP. I am an admin in game. Is this a bug?

5 years ago
(updated 5 years ago)

Missing blueprint train button is a bug.

I tested that the button shows in multiplayer with Blueprintable Trains as the only mod. I guess one of your other mods is causing a conflict. The button uses the "mod-gui" API.

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