Blueprintable Trains

by DaveMcW

Add trains to your blueprints.

5 years ago

b Butchered schedule

6 years ago
(updated 6 years ago)

After blueprinting a locomotive out of about 10 and the names are name of one of them is clipped.
Perhaps special characters aren't handled well. My station names contain a lot of characters like "<>:()-=/\?@#%".

6 years ago
(updated 6 years ago)

Thanks for the report. Can you provide a bad blueprint string and the correct name?

6 years ago
(updated 6 years ago)

Here's the blueprint string:

The correct schedule should be: (between the lines)

:) Trash dump
:) Iron smelters
:) Copper smelters
:) Copper mine
:) Main base
:) Iron mine

All of the stations has condition "Circuit: < 0" (Empty/not-selected circuit signal is less than 0). (This just to stop train on every station until it is manually sent again by player.) Actually, as I think now, these weird conditions may be the thing that breaks the blueprint.

After blueprinting the schedule looks like this:

:) Trash dump
ron smelters

Where the first condition is "Circuit: Signal 1 < Signal 1". I cannot see the second one because the game literary freezes.

6 years ago
(updated 6 years ago)

Fixed in version 0.16.12.
I also added some sanity checks to prevent corrupt blueprints from freezing the game.

6 years ago

Thanks! Good to see that someones patches their mods so quickly.

New response