Blueprint Sandboxes

Temporary Editor-lite permissions in Lab-like environments for designing and experimenting.

a month ago
1.1 - 2.0

b [Can't Fix] No alerts

2 years ago

I was attacked when using the sandbox and don't receive any alerts. Only when I go back to the factory, I see the multiple alerts of my buildings been destroyed!
I think that is necessary that I'm able to see any alerts from the factory inside the sandbox!


2 years ago

It's unfortunate, but I do not think there's a way around this issue - or how some chat messages won't be delivered either - without Wube providing more API possibilities. The best way to role-play this is to imagine you're so "in-the-zone" while designing blueprints in your mind that you forget reality exists. I'd like to solve it, but that's how I think of it for now.

For many features of this mod - more recipes, all technologies, multiplayer, and Space Exploration support to name a few - it's necessary that you are swapped to a different Force inside the Sandbox. Since those Alerts are based off of their owner's Force, and there's no way to get those Alerts or send them to other Forces, it's a necessary tradeoff for now.

2 years ago

Ok, thanks for the reply!

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