Biter Reincarnation

When an enemy unit or worm dies it tries to reincarnate back in to nature, be it a tree, rock, cliff or water. Occasionally the angry biters can burst into a flaming tree.

1 year, 4 months ago
0.17 - 1.1

b [Resolved] Startup error?

5 years ago

BROKEN MOD, Chrashes on load.
Do not download

5 years ago
(updated 5 years ago)

Could you be slightly more specific with an actual error to start?
Yes I renamed the thread from its childish title.

5 years ago

The mod Biter Reincarnation caused a non-recoverable error.
Please report this error to the mod author.

Error while running event biter_reincarnation::on_init()
biter_reincarnation/scripts/trees.lua:30: attempt to index field 'autoplace_specification' (a nil value)
stack traceback:
biter_reincarnation/scripts/trees.lua:30: in function 'PopulateTreeData'
biter_reincarnation/control.lua:70: in function <biter_reincarnation/control.lua:67>

5 years ago

0.17.50 game version

5 years ago

What landscape or decorative mods do you have running?

5 years ago

i found out what coses the mod to crash: fws_0.2.2 Fish and Wildlife

5 years ago
(updated 5 years ago)

30.676 Checksum for script biter_reincarnation/control.lua: 1507376899
30.679 Checksum for script fws/control.lua: 2909385833
30.724 Error AppManager.cpp:613: The mod Biter Reincarnation caused a non-recoverable error.
Please report this error to the mod author.

Error while running event biter_reincarnation::on_init()
biter_reincarnation/scripts/trees.lua:30: attempt to index field 'autoplace_specification' (a nil value)
stack traceback:
biter_reincarnation/scripts/trees.lua:30: in function 'PopulateTreeData'
biter_reincarnation/control.lua:70: in function <biter_reincarnation/control.lua:67>

5 years ago

Ah I see, I had assumed people would only add trees that are placed by map gen, or would be mods too big for me to handle. But in this case its neither, I just need to ignore the added trees. Will update.

5 years ago

The update means it doesn't error on playing and looks to be generating the natural trees for the environments.

5 years ago

Assumptions about other mod behavior / data setup will getcha every time.

5 years ago

muppet can u explain me how your code intefiers with other mods.... as far i understand the popultae tree data kinda but whats about the trees added by your code... what makes them so unstable

5 years ago

Biter Reincarnation doesn't add trees, but it looks at them. If they don't look as expected (such as the intermediate growing trees from my mod), it had a problem.

5 years ago

Exactly how Schmendrick put it.
I coded it knowing I wouldn't support mods like Alien Biomes, but I hadn't considered non map generated tree types.

5 years ago

so it was helpfull from me to notice the error from startup and posting it ? :D