Biter Remover

by azaghal

Commands for removing and disabling biters and pollution.

4 months ago
1.1 - 2.0

g If you use this in space exploration

6 months ago

If you had this in space exploration with current, does it disable only on Nauvis (if you are on Nauvis)

6 months ago

Hello BlueTrin,

In order to remove the biters, you need to specify the name of surface (or a list separated by comas). There's also two special keywords you could use as surface name: all (for all surfaces) and current (for current surface you are on).

Personally, I've created this to deal with the biter FPS/UPS issues on Nauvis back in the day while playing Space Exploration - my machine just could not handle it :)

Best regards,

6 months ago

If you want to be sure to remove the biters only from Nauvis, you would have to run the following command in the console:

/remove-biters nauvis

Just keep in mind there's a couple of other commands that deal with pollution, biter base generation etc (check the detailed instructions under "Information" tab of portal).

Best regards,

6 months ago

Ah thanks it worked perfectly.

I didn’t realise the starting planet was called Nauvis

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