
Farm bugs for resources, researching to help them grow

10 months ago
Combat Environment

b Idle Bitters

8 months ago

Set up my third "bitter miner" outpost (2 spawners) in the early game. When I walk 5 chunks away the enemies freeze in place and stop attacking. Using radar I can confirm that they continue to spawn but do not move. I know this is a common issue with vanilla once your base becomes large in order to save computer resources, but this is my first time running into this. Outpost 1 (1 spawner) and 2 (3 spawners) work just fine even when 10+ chunks away. I've got a decent computer and have never had this issue even in much larger deathworld maps.

Is this a bug? Because the game becomes unplayable due to severely limiting resource collection.

Other than this issue, I've been enjoying this mod quite a bit!

7 months ago

unfortunately this appears to be a vanilla feature/bug, and nothing I can do at the moment

7 months ago

I figured as much; thanks for confirming.

New response