
Farm bugs for resources, researching to help them grow

5 months ago
Combat Environment

g Intended way to pick up bug parts?

5 months ago

This is a really cool concept. Huge fan of it. I know this is still in dev, but what's the intended way to pick up bug parts? I noticed they're marked for decon when they die, but that means logistic robots would try to pick em up... Or are logistic robots invincible?

4 months ago

Early game I have been using walls to shape movement. If they die on belts they will get picked up and moved. I picked up Schall Pickup Tower to use once I got to Mil science.

4 months ago

for early game I would use belts, it helps to remember that the items will always find a spot to fall, meaning if you keep killing bugs at one spot eventually the drops will reach far
no, logibots are not modified in any way, but I don't believe they will be damaged much picking items up for the most part

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