Bigger Artillery

Adds a bigger artillery with intercontinental range. -Highly customizable -Should be compatible with all mods -Manual and auto mode

19 days ago
1.1 - 2.0

i [Solved]Hide radius on the map

3 years ago

Hi there !

Would it be possible to make the big bertha's range on the map toggleable ? Or if not, hide it ?
Here it covers all other turret's range, which isn't really practical.
I'm a bit afraid it isn't, or would it require hiding artillery range all together maybe ?

Base game should gives us two setting here, artillery and/or turret !
And btw, sorry it's not directly related, and not the place to ask, but if you have any idea, I wonder :
Why artillery don't show the range, like turret do, while having it in hand and/or hovering the cursor on it ?

That apart, I love the mod, thanks for it !

3 years ago


thank you :)

By default, the artillery range is slightly darker than the turret range.
I added a setting that disables the artillery range on the map but it changes it for all artilleries.
I also added settings for a custom color.
The Big Bertha is depending on the base artillery and I wasn't able to find an easy way that would only affect The Big Bertha.
I think the devs disabled the hovering function, because the artillery range is so big.

3 years ago
(updated 3 years ago)

Hi, thanks for your quick answer ! =) And quick solutions too !

But you're right, I don't see what happened yesterday, where the two color were indistinguishable...
Or something went wrong, or I checked wrong, or I simply totally hallucinated !
But I see the turret clearly today, independently of artillery... Well, sorry for that x)
( I really should take the time to be sure the issue isn't between the screen and the chair, as we say ^^ )

And also for the range, I was biased because I wanted to see it, but in fact it wasn't for artillery but light artillery from Rampant ; For vanilla artillery, that wouldn't make sense, indeed ^^

Well, my own issues apart lol I also had another question which I didn't asked yesterday, I kept it for the related mod creator, because I don't think it can be solved from your part, but since you're here ! I'm using the "manual artillery" mod, [] and it works almost perfectly, but sadly it removes the need for power !

That's it ^^ Thanks again ! Mod and considerations much appreciated ! =)

3 years ago
(updated 3 years ago)


I added a menu where you can select manual and auto mode.
I think it really improves the mod :)

3 years ago

That's one way to solve the issue indeed ! x) Wasn't expecting that ^^
Yeah it works well ! And is really practical and straightforward. Well done !

PS: Puting back the "manual only" mod to recycle the artillery on my world I saw that your new version seems to be incompatible with it. [Image host of the log:]

And you seem to know stuff about artillery ^^ Do you think it's possible to make one that only target nests ?
There are some topics about that but it doesn't seem like a lot of players would find that feature useful...

Thanks again ! =)

3 years ago
(updated 3 years ago)

Yes the Manual Big Bertha has no item. It's only an entity. Your mod trys to create a item based on a non existing item.

I think by default the automatic artillery only shoots at nests but I'm not quite sure.
What targets should it not target?

3 years ago

I see, well I suppose the mod could still be useful for vanilla artillery ; It's on its side to look at it maybe, put an exclusion ? I was about to suggest giving the mods “incompatibility dependencies” for each other otherway, or until then, but that launch log is self-explanatory ^^

To me it really looks like any alien / nest / worm can be targeted ; My artillery waste ammo firing at lonely aliens sometimes !
It has a pretty expensive clearing technique let say it that way ^^ But as always, the solution is to make more !

PS: Do you mind if I make a translation of the mod for the french translation pack? []

3 years ago

I can add a hidden item later that your mod works again, but yeah it would be better if it handled this exception by itself.

You just need a bigger factory xD

Feel free to make a translation :)

3 years ago

I'll update my message to the creator of the mod !

Yes haha, "the factory must grow !" ^^

Well, a last thank you ! For your time and understanding, and the mod ofc ! =)

3 years ago


3 years ago
(updated 3 years ago)

Don't be relieved so quickly after all xD

It's about the translation, it's nice, I'm proud of it ! ^^
But there is one thing I cannot change from the locale file : The fire mode selection window !

It's not a big deal, it's self-explanatory enough as the words are very similar.
And it's not the only mod where some parts are unreachable for me, thus, keeping some original terms.
But for completion sake, and my own curiosity, if there is a way I'm all ears ! =)

3 years ago

There sould be an option now :)

3 years ago
(updated 3 years ago)

You're definitely faster than your shadow ! ^^
Yes it's perfect ! Thanks ! Every modder should think of that, It's much better.
(Or I could finally decide to learn more about code, then I could do it myself ^^But it's better if I just ask, it's safer! lol)
Well, now it's top notch translation work ! (humbly, ofc ^^) Nice ! =)

3 years ago

Thank you ^^

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