Bigger Artillery

Adds a bigger artillery with intercontinental range. -Highly customizable -Should be compatible with all mods -Manual and auto mode

a month ago
1.1 - 2.0

b [Solved]Crash when robot deconstruction

3 years ago

Error while running event bigger-artillery::on_robot_pre_mined (ID 15)
control.lua:15 attempt to index field '?' (a nil value)
control.lua:15 in function control.lua:13

3 years ago
(updated 3 years ago)

Your error seems to be related to your savegame. I don't get an error when I use robots to mine the artillery.
Can you send your savegame?
Maybe you could fix it when you change the mod settings, because then it should reset a necessary variable.
Do you have power consumption enabled?

3 years ago

Here's the save (sandbox mode, base 1.1.25, bigger-artillery 0.4.0):
Power consumption enabled by default. If I disable it everything works fine, no crash.

3 years ago

I see. It happens when a robot mines a loaded artillery.
It is fixed in version 0.4.1.

3 years ago

bonjour, j'ai eu le même souci hier, en voulais la faire déposer par un robot, cela m'a générer un crash.

3 years ago
(updated 3 years ago)

Can you please send the error message?
Please describe exactly what happened.
What mod version do you have?
I don’t speak French, but this is the message translated with “google translate”:
Pouvez-vous s'il vous plaît envoyer le message d'erreur?
Veuillez décrire exactement ce qui s'est passé.
Quelle version de module as-tu ?

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