Better Cargo Planes

This mod aims to improve the Cargo Plane from the Aircraft mod by adding an Equipment Grid as well as two upgraded versions of the Cargo Plane.

3 years ago
0.17 - 1.1

g ✔️Cargo Planes lacks weapons with AAI Programmable Vehicles installed

3 years ago

No weapons on base Cargo plane. havnt unlocked further options as yet.

3 years ago

I'm guessing you're using AAI Vehicles, as that's a constraint of all Hauler-type vehicles

3 years ago

i am yes.

3 years ago

I don't know why weapons are disabled for Hauler-type vehicles, but unfortunately that's just the way it'll be - and I can't do anything about it.

3 years ago

is that due to the aai vehicles or a different setting, if your aware? and thanks for the quick response

3 years ago
(updated 3 years ago)

A vehicle can either be a Hauler-type, or have weapons. That's how AAI functions.

I could theoretically add an option, so the user can decide, but as of right now the only way for the planes not to lose their guns is for you edit the code manually

3 years ago

ah, icic, thanks, not very well versed in the code for factorio, so i wasnt aware, and assume one cant just add a new type and build it out from there

3 years ago

The Factorio code is very well engineered, but the AAI code is quite poor and doesn't seem to allow for any real customisability - it's either a vehicle with a gun, a vehicle without a gun, or a hauler - nothing in between.

I really wish it did though :/
Anyway, I'm off to bed - 2AM. Good luck in your endeavours.
P.S: i recommend using vehicle equipment as a substitute for the mounted weapons

3 years ago

thanks!, if your referring to bobs vehicle equip, I wish I could, I'm using space exploration and there's conflicts, i have requested bob add compatibility, but who knows, it hasn't been updated in months.

New response