Better Train System

by RedRafe

Adds three new tiers of faster Locomotives, bigger Cargo-Wagons and more capable Fluid-Wagons. They also stack to 20 and 50 in your inventory.

a month ago

i [Solved] Compatibility with Electric Trains

a month ago

Is it possible to create an integration for Electric Trains, so that when this mod is active, there are MK2,3,4 versions of it?


a month ago

Sure, I'll take a look into it

a month ago

Now available from updated version 0.3.0

a month ago

I tried it briefly:
No new MK 2,3,4 electric trains have been added when Electric Trains is installed, but the regular MK 3 and 4 trains are now electric?
I'm a bit confused

a month ago
(updated a month ago)

Yes. I thought making Mk 1, 2, 3, 4 for burners & the Mk 1, 2, 3, 4 for electric isn't that useful (nobody's gonna use 8 different locos after all).
So the new compatibility is in place to have:

Loco Mk1 -> Loco Mk2 -> Electric Loco -> E. Loco Mk3 -> E. Loco Mk4

Since the electric loco already was about ~Mk2 with its stats, this felt like a fitting progression

a month ago

Ah, I see. Then thank you for implementing it!
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