Better PvP Defense

Slightly buffs the range of PvP turrets

a month ago

i Why only the pre-placed turrets?

a month ago

First of all... I hope DoshDoshington doesn't despair at PY.
OK. I think your idea is basically good. But wouldn't it have been better to reduce the range of the car and the machine gun? That would make turrets really useful up to the tank. Because if only the turrets that have already been placed have more range, it's really difficult to take oil because the opponents can easily destroy it again.

a month ago

My thought is more buffing the standard defense.

No one enjoys debuffs, and I (and a few others) think that attacking is powerful enough in general. It's just the static defense is so easily bypasses that it's really a false sense of security.

This was also the simplest as I just, on init and load, check for the pvp interface and set the config for which turret gets placed.

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