Bery0za's Pure It

by Bery0za

Real world air filtering!

4 years ago
1.0 - 1.1

g Amounts + minor bugs

4 years ago

Hi, I was wondering how much pollution is sucked up by the air towers per second. I want to guess a 1:1 ratio but I'm not entirely sure...

Also, you have two buildings named the same: there's the square Adsorber Mk1/2/3, and then there's another building called an Adsorber. Additionally, all buildings are unlocked by default even when no tech is researched.

4 years ago

Hi! Mk1 tower without any speed module sucks up 0.25 pollution per second. For Mk2 and Mk3 rates are 0.333/sec and 0.5/sec.

Those are different buildings offering different methods of purification: aBsorber (diffusion) and aDsorber (adhesion). I fixed the technology bug in 0.2.3 version: now recipes are not available till researching the technology, and machines can be crafted by hand.

4 years ago

Thanks, machines being uncraftable by hand were really annoying.

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