Bery0za's Pure It

by Bery0za

Real world air filtering!

3 years ago
1.0 - 1.1
Apache License 2.0
4 years ago
Latest Version:
0.3.0 (3 years ago)
Factorio version:
1.0 - 1.1
Downloaded by:
1.69K users

Bery0za's Pure It

Brand new Factorio mod allowing you to make the skies brighter and clearer. Please note that this is a Work-In-Progress mod, so things will change often. Don't forget to make a backup copy of your immersive constructions.

Idea and philosophy

The idea of this mod came to me after long play sessions with my friend, during which we raided local fauna and its nests. Quite aggressive fauna need to say. That’s understandable: you’re here on your own planet, growing your lovely bloody toxic children, but suddenly a cloud of acids comes to your place and makes your life awful. So, you rise up an army to fight back and destroy all those blast furnaces and chemical plants to the ground. But actually, those are our plants, and we don’t like them to be demolished on our way to the bright future. So, I decided to make the life on the planet slightly brighter. Literally. By making the skies clearer and purer.

I wanted this mod to be based on real world techniques of air filtering, but I left an opportunity to be creative in questions of graphics and recipes. So, I hope we got a hybrid thing here that feels like a part of Factorio but can also prompt us to learn new things about the environment.

Control script of this mod is based on Better Air Filtering by JoeyDP, but it was modified to meet my needs and become more difficult to play. This means that pollution is dispersed back into the atmosphere not only when an entity containing pollution is destroyed or mined, but also when it had stored some critical amount of pollution or polluted water. Though I left an option to switch this feature off and stay UPS efficient.

Operational radii of air sucking machines are 8, 16, and 24 tiles for Mk1, Mk2, Mk3 respectively. Those tiles are divided between chunks depending on the sucker position, leaving every chunk only some fraction of total machine capacity.


  • Balancing
    ✓ Vanilla
    ✓ Mod-integrated
    Hard mode
  • New recipe chains
    Calcium hydroxide
  • New entities
    Long term storaging scheme (with the possibility of the big bada boom)
    Mod-related resource transformation machine(s)
  • Animation, sprites and icons tweaks (tint!)
  • Integration with other mods
    ✓ Bob's Metals, Chemicals and Intermediates
    ✓ Angel's Refining
    ✓ Angel's Petrochemical Processing
  • Localization
    ✓ English
    ✓ Russian
  • Performance ◄ I am here!
    Back dispertion
    Distributed updates

Bugs and suggestions

This mod is in it's early stages of development and has not yet been extensively tested and balanced. So, I greatly appreciate any impressions sharing, bug reports, rebalancing suggestions, new feature requests. Let's play 'Pure It' and make it better! Enjoy, test and all that stuff.

Post Scriptum

Feel free to suggest me any corrections in the description or mod localization. Oh, and you can also support me via PayPal if you like what I do.