Large total conversion mods.
Version: 2.0.5 Date: 2022-07-04 Bugfixes: - Restrict connector recipes to be created for recieps that result in at most 2 underground belts. ( - Fix crash at startup with mods like Space Exploration that change underground belt collision masks. (
Version: 2.0.4 Date: 2021-10-29 Bugfixes: - Fix hang when marking connectors for upgrade. ( - Fix robot removal of underground belts yielding constant combinators instead of the original belts. (
Version: 2.0.3 Date: 2021-01-04 Bugfixes: - Fix crash on startup with Yuoki Industries - Engines. (
Version: 2.0.2 Date: 2020-12-30 Bugfixes: - Fix migration leaving it possible to mine underground connectors. ( - Fix underground belt ghosts not being creatable in the underground layer. (
Version: 2.0.1 Date: 2020-12-29 Bugfixes: - Fix beltlayer connectors migrated from 1.x saves becoming owned by the enemy force. - Fix yellow beltlayer connectors not having the correct behavior.
Version: 2.0.0 Date: 2020-12-29 Major Features: - Beltlayer now uses linked belts instead of loaders and chests. - Connectors preserve which side of the belt items are on. - This is a major change. Blueprints with beltlayer connectors in them must be re-created. Expect bugs. Bugfixes: - Fix crash when marking an underground belt for upgrade in the underground layer. (
Version: 1.1.0 Date: 2020-11-30 Info: - Update for Factorio 1.1.
Version: 1.0.3 Date: 2020-09-11 Bugfixes: - Fix accidental sprite tinting. ( - Fix ghosts built underground not setting direction on surface ghosts.
Version: 1.0.2 Date: 2020-09-10 Bugfixes: - Fix crash on startup in Space Exploration. (
Version: 1.0.1 Date: 2020-09-09 Bugfixes: - Fix crash on startup due to missing icon_size. (
Version: 1.1.0 Date: 2020-11-30 Info: - Update to Factorio 1.1. - Restore Belt Brush compatibility.
Version: 1.0.0 Date: 2020-09-08 Bugfixes: - Fix crash on startup with other mods that use the older style of specifying belt sprites (e.g. 5Dim's Transport, Yuoki Industries - Engines, etc.). ( - Fix incorrect icons in deconstruction and upgrade planner configuration GUIs. - Fix upgrading connectors with the Construction Drones mod. ( Info: - Marked as incompatible with Belt brush pending a fix to that mod.
Version: 0.6.4 Date: 2020-08-07 Bugfixes: - Fix crash when building from blueprint books in Factorio 0.37+. ( - Fix compatibility with Replicating Belts. (
Version: 0.6.3 Date: 2020-08-03 Bugfixes: - Fix crash when other mods create underground belt recipes with both `results` and `result`. (
Version: 0.6.2 Date: 2020-07-20 Bugfixes: - Fix crash when blueprinting underground belts in the editor. (
Version: 0.6.1 Date: 2020-07-17 Bugfixes: - Fix crash on startup with Ultimate Belts. (
Version: 0.6.0 Date: 2020-07-17 Changes: - The representation of construction proxies has changed. If you have any outstanding construction orders for underground belt entities (build from ghosts, deconstruction, upgrade), you should finish or cancel them before upgrading. Bugfixes: - Fix crash when marking an underground belt for deconstruction and there is already a belt directly above. (
Version: 0.5.2 Date: 2020-06-09 Bugfixes: - Try to fix desync by controlling connector update order within a tick. (
Version: 0.5.1 Date: 2020-03-15 Bugfixes: - Fix crash when deconstructing an item-request-proxy. (
Version: 0.5.0 Date: 2020-02-07 Info: - Update to Factorio 0.18.
Version: 0.4.8 Date: 2020-01-13 Bugfixes: - Fix that placing items in the editor view would consume two items. (
Version: 0.4.7 Date: 2019-09-16 Bugfixes: - Fix that items in the cursor would get lost when returning from the editor view. (
Version: 0.4.6 Date: 2019-08-31 Bugfixes: - Fix bad release packaging.
Version: 0.4.5 Date: 2019-08-30 Bugfixes: - Fix crash on startup when transport belts use minable.results instead of minable.result. (
Version: 0.4.4 Date: 2019-08-21 Bugfixes: - Fix crash when building ghosts of underground belts on an invalid surface. ( - Prevent robots from building connectors on invalid surfaces.
Version: 0.4.3 Date: 2019-08-21 Bugfixes: - Fix problems with building underground belts with bots where there are existing belts aboveground. - Another fix for Infinity Mode instant deconstruction.
Version: 0.4.2 Date: 2019-08-16 Bugfixes: - More fixes for compatibility with Infinity Mode's instant blueprint construction and deconstruction. (
Version: 0.4.1 Date: 2019-08-14 Bugfixes: - Fix crash with Infinity Mode's instant deconstruction. (
Version: 0.4.0 Date: 2019-07-08 Changes: - It is now possible to build splitters on underground belt layers. - Fast replacing connectors no longer dumps the entire buffer into the player's inventory. Bugfixes: - Fix some cases where multiple blueprint ghosts could be created on the surface when deconstructing underground belt. Minor Features: - Add support for Space Exploration. You can now build underground belt layers on planets and moons, but not in orbit or deep space. - Add support for 0.17 upgrade planner tool.
Version: 0.3.2 Date: 2019-07-06 Bugfixes: - Fix crash on load related to collision_mask in Factorio 0.17.53+.
Version: 0.3.1 Date: 2019-06-13 Bugfixes: - Fix a crash when building a ghost but the underground is already occupied. ( - Fix a crash when deconstruction is cancelled by another mod. ( - Fix a crash when mining a connector marked for deconstruction by the cut tool. Minor Features: - Add support for 0.17 cut tool.
Version: 0.3.0 Date: 2019-02-26 Changes: - Update to Factorio 0.17.
Version: 0.2.8 Date: 2018-12-28 Minor Features: - Add compatibility with TeamCoop. (
Version: 0.2.7 Date: 2018-12-28 Changes: - Uninstalling beltlayer and then reinstalling it removes any old underground belts and their contents. Bugfixes: - Fix crash when using upgrade-planner outside the editor interface. (
Version: 0.2.6 Date: 2018-12-27 Bugfixes: - Fix crash on startup when buffer display is disabled.
Version: 0.2.5 Date: 2018-12-26 Changes: - No longer try to automatically adjust connectors buffers based on belt speed and item stack size. Minor Features: - Add setting to show connector buffer contents and allow manual interaction with buffers. - Add setting for size of connector buffers.
Version: 0.2.4 Date: 2018-11-28 Minor Features: - Construction robots can now use underground ghosts created by Replicating Belts. Bugfixes: - Fix potential crash when transferring special items (ammo, armor, blueprints, guns, repair packs, etc.). (
Version: 0.2.3 Date: 2018-11-26 Bugfixes: - Remove biters from editor surfaces if rso-mod put them there in a prior version. - Possible fix for crash when upgrading a map with earlier versions of beltlayer.
Version: 0.2.2 Date: 2018-11-25 Minor Features: - Improve support for placing blueprints with a mixture of above ground and underground entities. Bugfixes: - Prevent rso-mod from generating biters on editor surfaces. - Fix crash when placing a blueprint in the editor view. - Fix possible crash on loading a map from a prior version.
Version: 0.2.1 Date: 2018-11-22 Bugfixes: - Fix crash on adding Beltlayer to an existing map.
Version: 0.2.0 Date: 2018-11-22 Changes: - Major internal refactor based on common codebase with Pipelayer. - Add compatibility with SeaBlock. - Add compatibility with New Game+.
Version: 0.1.9 Date: 2018-10-29 Bugfixes: - Fix typo.
Version: 0.1.8 Date: 2018-10-29 Bugfixes: - Fix handling of underground belt recipes that use results instead of result. - Fix handling of underground belt recipes with normal & expensive variants ( - Fix handling of underground belt recipes that produce more or less than 2 items.
Version: 0.1.7 Date: 2018-10-28 Bugfixes: - Reset underground when reinstalling to the same map.
Version: 0.1.6 Date: 2018-10-17 Changes: - Placing an underground belt will remove any ghost on the surface for an underground belt. Bugfixes: - Fix not being able to place ghosts of underground belts in certain cases. - Fix crash when reviving a surface ghost of an underground belt, but the underground is already occupied. ( - Items picked up from belts while in the editor view that should not be placeable in the editor will not show in the editor inventory. (
Version: 0.1.5 Date: 2018-10-02 Bugfixes: - Fixed crash when dirt terrain type is not available, e.g. alien-biomes. (
Version: 0.1.4 Date: 2018-09-26 Bugfixes: - Fixed crash with mods that create unplaceable / unminable underground belts. (
Version: 0.1.3 Date: 2018-09-25 Bugfixes: - Fixed crash with upgrade-planner (Bluebuild, Upgrade Planner, etc.) ( - Fixed inventory management with Upgrade Planner. - Fixed crash when using a deconstruction tool underground. Translation: - Updated Russian translation.
Version: 0.1.2 Date: 2018-09-19 Minor Features: - Increase maximum buffer size to handle extremely fast belts. ( Bugfixes: - Fixed recipes where the item name differs from the recipe name. ( - Fixed recipes listing an underground belt as the main product. ( Translation: - Added Russian translation by John_TheCF. (
Version: 0.1.1 Date: 2018-09-18 Changes: - Reduced recipe cost to match 1 underground belt. Bugfixes: - Added migration to enable connector recipes on existing games.
Version: 0.1.0 Date: 2018-09-18 Major Features: - Underground belt connector - Interactive editor surface - Blueprint/Logistic robot support - Compatibility with underground belts added by mods