Belt Balancer

by asdff45

Adds Balancer Parts, that can be put together, to balance all adjusting lanes.

4 years ago
0.17 - 1.1

g Love/hate this mod

3 years ago
(updated 3 years ago)

I think the advantages outweigh the disadvantages to using this mod.

+ Cheap to construct
+ No power required
+ Tiers to match with the belts
+ Putting them side-by-side will cause them to work together

- Doesn't work with chutes and loaders, requires a section of belt between the two
- Doesn't work with curved belts, needs a straight section connected to it.
- No visual difference between tiers, this will get confusing quickly.
- The Belt Balancer device looks out of place in the game, the color and visual doesn't really match.

I really wish @asdff45 would adres the issues above and update the mod, or allow a more active developer to continue building on it.

Edit: Recently this mod has caused my game performance to tank, getting barely 25fps. I did use this mod intensively because of its benefits, but once you have more than 5k balancers on your map, performance will drop noticeably.

3 years ago

The bit about working with loaders and curved belts is accurate, and it is annoying. Not sure what the issue is with loaders but with regard to 'curved' belts the reason is that a belt that turns immediately after coming out of the unit is technically no different than a belt that is just passing by, so the balancer cannot tell the difference and has little choice but to ignore this case. Note that "curved" belts going INTO the balancer work fine, because in this case the "curved" belt is technically aimed straight into the balancer and it's clear how to handle it.

The only difference in the "tiers" is how many units you get per set of resources. "Tier 1" you get a 1:1, tier 2 you get 2:1, etc.

I agree with the looks though, it'd be nice if it fit the game scheme, but it's not horribly out of place as it is.

2 years ago

headcase0570 — you're damn right!)

I'll add another incompatibility with the Belt Reverser mod — the game crashes.

New response