Belt Balancer

by asdff45

Adds Balancer Parts, that can be put together, to balance all adjusting lanes.

4 years ago
0.17 - 1.1

g Slow migration in 2.1.0/1.2.0

5 years ago

I don't think you can really do much about this, but wanted to put up a thread so others might know what's going on without digging into the code. I used a lot of balancers in my game, probably more than is reasonable, so the migration in 1.14 results in what appears to be freezing on game load. Or at least I think that's whats happening, I can't directly confirm that it's sitting in the migration but since it is looping over every balancer entity and I probably have thousands it seems likely. It took about 30 minutes to run for me.

5 years ago

I had Bugs in the code, that in some circumstances, the balancer wouldnt be registered as balancer. The only way to have it fixed, is to recreate every Balancer and therefore i have to iterate over every balancer-part and recreate the Balancer itself.

This should normally not run about 30 minutes. On my maps it only took up to 30 seconds. I cant really change things about that, i think. Just out of interest, can i have your map? I want to see how perfomant it runs with a lot of Balancers running actively.

5 years ago
(updated 5 years ago)

That maps looks cool :) I wish my maps would look like that and not like a mayhem and chaotic.
Just for your interest:
You've created 128 Balancers, with 31591 Balancer-Parts.

When you migrated that map, it had to iterate over all 31591 Balancer-Parts and rebuild the balancers, thats why it took so long.

5 years ago

Yep, once I pulled up the diff and saw the migration I was pretty sure that was the issue. Just unfortunate that Factorio doesn't show any kind of UI feedback that a migration is running so I figured some other users that could be less familiar with Github might be confused or worried that something is broken :)

Also props for solid coding that I can run that many balancers and still get around 45-50 UPS on my gaming PC!

5 years ago

This issue moved from 1.1.4 to 1.2.0/2.1.0.
The Migration to 1.1.4 is removed.

New response