Beautiful Bridge Railway for Cargoships

Add some beautiful bridge-rails (wood, iron, stone-brick) that can be placed on water, and change default Big-electric-pole (now optional as Cargoships has it's own Floating Power poles) and rail-signals to be placeable on water.

1 year, 3 months ago

g Mod Crash

1 year, 4 months ago

23.904 Loading mod artillery-visibility 0.0.1 (data-final-fixes.lua)
24.043 Loading mod beautiful_bridge_railway_Cargoships 1.3.3 (data-final-fixes.lua)
24.056 Error ModManager.cpp:1625: Не удалось загрузить мод "beautiful_bridge_railway_Cargoships": ...autiful_bridge_railway_Cargoships__/data-final-fixes.lua:45: attempt to index field '?' (a nil value)
stack traceback:
...autiful_bridge_railway_Cargoships__/data-final-fixes.lua:45: in main chunk
24.060 Loading mod core 0.0.0 (data.lua)
24.360 Checksum for core: 466641612
24.459 Error ModManager.cpp:1625: Error in assignID: recipe-category with name 'crafting' does not exist.
full game log here:

1 year, 4 months ago

I found who the mod conflicts with, this is bio industry, possibly due to the fact that it changes the craft rail, which is why it conflicts

1 year, 4 months ago

I got a similar problem

1 year, 3 months ago

+1 with this problem. Still on version: beautiful_bridge_railway_Cargoships_1.2.0

(NOTE: I am using bio industry mod)

1 year, 3 months ago

after adding bio industries

1 year, 3 months ago

Ok look like the recipe change causes the issue. The temporary fix right now is to disable the changes made by bio industries in its startup options.

1 year, 3 months ago

I appears to not crash now. Now to figure out how to get the recipes for the bridges to not be the same.

1 year, 3 months ago

8.977 Loading mod beautiful_bridge_railway_Cargoships 1.3.4 (data-final-fixes.lua)
8.978 Error ModManager.cpp:1625: Failed to load mod "beautiful_bridge_railway_Cargoships": ...autiful_bridge_railway_Cargoships__/data-final-fixes.lua:50: attempt to index field '?' (a nil value)
stack traceback:
...autiful_bridge_railway_Cargoships__/data-final-fixes.lua:50: in main chunk

1 year, 3 months ago

@kuxynator: Can you provide a save where this happens? I got the crash earlier today, then added some logging directives to BBR, all of a sudden the game started without crash -- even when I restarted the game with the original zipped mod. I don't know why, but I can't reproduce this anymore.

@GeneralTank: Some issues I noticed with your mod, in data-final-fixes.lua:

-- setup id helper maps
ingredients_id_map = {old = false}
for id, item in pairs(data.raw["recipe"]["rail"].ingredients) do
        ingredients_id_map[item[1] or item["name"]] = id
        if item[1] then
                ingredients_id_map["old"] = true

This isn't safe. I've noticed that some ingredients have item[1] while others (I think those changed by BI) have Of course, I could change the format of the ingredients we exchange in BI, but there would still be the chance that other mods change the format of individual ingredients. products_id_map has the same issue. (Also: recipes have no property products, only result and results; however, there are main_product and always_show_products.) You really should check the format of each ingredient/result.

By the way, I've sent you a reworked version of data-final-fixes.lua as PM on the forum.

1 year, 3 months ago

@Pi-C sorry, that was 19 days ago, no savegame or configuration lives that long with me ;-)

1 year, 3 months ago

@Pi-C sorry, that was 19 days ago, no savegame or configuration lives that long with me ;-)

Sorry, I was busy with another mod all the time. Didn't want to get distracted from the things I was working on, but it took much longer than expected. Nevertheless, I do hope the patch for BBR I've prepared yesterday will help to solve the crash.

New response