Battery Powered

by harag

Provides several tiers of batteries that can be charged and used as fuel or to transport energy. The highest tiers require Space Exploration.

3 months ago
1.1 - 2.0
Trains Power

b [1.2.0][Fixed] Trains get filled with spent batteries over long distances

2 years ago
(updated 2 years ago)

So its all working fine and nice, but in my SE-K2 run i ve hit a rather annoying problem - my LTN depot is supplied by charged lithium batteries, when trains stop there spent ones are unloaded and fresh ones are swapped in. However since a train only has a single slot for spent fuel result, my trains are sometimes stuck without fuel, cause they fill output slot completely (distance is too long). Is that intended? It would be nice if the mod also added couple extra slots for spent fuel, so that they always match amount of slots for actual fuel.

It does happen very rarely, but it is rather frustrating when it happens and you have to go there fix it yourself.

2 years ago

For now, i just tampered with mod files responsible for adding spent fuel slots for vehicles and changed them to 3. However it d be nice if it either was equal to amount of fuel slots, or was somewhere in mod options. Once again, thanks for a great mod!

2 years ago
(updated 2 years ago)

Hm, normally an output slot can hold more items than an input slot. That's why I did not add more than one. I've probably never run trains long enough for this to become a problem, assuming trains would not need to spent most of their fuel for a single trip. I'm somewhat tempted to leave this as-is as another trade-off for removing the need to spent more resources on fuel.

Btw., I usually recharge batteries at the depot. That way the stockpile of batteries only needs to be replenished when enough of them have degraded and are lost.

2 years ago

I looked into this some more and I don't quite understand how you can get into this state. Charged lithium batteries only stack to 50, whereas the uncharged ones stack to 200. 3 x 50 is still only 150 batteries in the output slot for a fully fueled train.

2 years ago

Part of the issue was that i screwed up depot infrastructure and uncharged battery output got clogged, so trains weren't completely emptying their spent batteries. But i could ve sworn there was only 50 spent batteries in that train that got stuck with no fuel alert and it still had 2 stacks of charged batteries in it it too...

2 years ago

I see the issue - the thing is - something in my modpack (probably Space Exploration) alters the stack size of uncharged lithium-sulfur batteries to 50. So what you get is 150 charged batteries capacity in a train, but only 50 spent batteries capacity. And since my trains didn't fully unload spent ones, i guess they filled that treshold and got stuck.

2 years ago

Additionally, it seems only lithium-sulfur battery type has that issue, both holmium and naqium batteries stack to 100 when uncharged and to 20 when charged, so they won't have same problem. So i blame that on balance adjustments made by SE and K2 to play nice together. In my case adding 2 extra spent fuel slots seems to be the best choice which won't affect the balance. Thanks for looking into this!

2 years ago

Hm, you are right, I didn't notice the stack adjustment K2 does in combination with SE. That's annoying. I'll probably add a setting to increase the output slot count with a default of 1. Another option would be to re-adjust the stack size after K2 is done with it.

2 years ago

I added the setting.

2 years ago

Marvelous! Thanks a bunch for your time. I really appreciate it.

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