Battery Powered

by harag

Provides several tiers of batteries that can be charged and used as fuel or to transport energy. The highest tiers require Space Exploration.

3 months ago
1.1 - 2.0
Trains Power

b [1.1.0][Fixed] Multiple Unit Train Control looses batteries as acceptable fuel

2 years ago

Multiple Unit Train Control by Robot256 doesn't accept the batteries as fuel, as it replaces the default locomotive with a duplicate of the locomotive with .mu added to the end. Im not sure if its something you can fix on your end or if its something MUTC needs to change.

2 years ago
(updated 2 years ago)

I opted to whitelist each vehicle that should accept batteries. So that would be a change on my end.

2 years ago

With only the mods enabled the MUTC locomotives pick up the batteries as acceptable fuel just fine. This is probably a mod ordering issue with another mod. Do you play with Krastorio2 by any chance and have its fuel overhaul option enabled? That resets vehicle fuels and forces me to re-add them later - which might be too late for MUTC to see them.

2 years ago

Testing with K2 and SE it's as I suspected. I'll fix that for now.

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