Battery Powered

by harag

Provides several tiers of batteries that can be charged and used as fuel or to transport energy. The highest tiers require Space Exploration.

3 months ago
1.1 - 2.0
Trains Power

i [1.1.0][Done] A recipe for batteries in a delivery cannon?

2 years ago

So i read up about the mod, i see Space Exploration mentioned, extra tiers of batteries, chargers and generators and instantly think: "Oh, damn! Another way for early power delivery between planets! But when i open delivery cannon, one of the earliest and arguably easiest ways to transfer resources between planets - there is no recipe to deliver charged and empty batteries using a delivery cannon. That's such a shame! Could you perhaps look into possibly adding them? It would be a really nice alternative way to power planetary outposts until you get energy beaming. Saves you from having to setup nuclear power everywhere.

Also, really nice work on those sprites! Its now looking gorgeous.

2 years ago

Hm, shooting discharged battery stacks seems like a good idea :)

2 years ago

I mean shooting "charged" batteries. xD Basically yet another way to send power to outpost planets with SE.

2 years ago

I implemented a setting that allows shooting discharged batteries via delivery-cannon. Shooting charged batteries doesn't really fit with stuff being shot around at relativistic speed. It's also impractical as a means to supply an outpost with energy because the destination would end up with a pile of discharged batteries and no way to charge them. Shooting them back would also consume huge amounts of energy and waste resources.

2 years ago
(updated 2 years ago)

Awesome! Much appreciated. It ll be really useful for early power on planets without water and asteroid fields. Well yeah, actually thinking about it that way, delivering batteries via cannon might not be that efficient, but its a useful option to power small stuff, you can always ship spent batteries back using rockets along with materials your outpost provides.

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