Battery Powered

by harag

Provides several tiers of batteries that can be charged and used as fuel or to transport energy. The highest tiers require Space Exploration.

3 months ago
1.1 - 2.0
Trains Power

i [Done] More distinguishable battery icons

3 years ago

Hey man,
firstly, love the new charger graphics! That was one of the things that was holding me back from using this (I have bad OCD).

A humble request:
Can you change the battery sprite as well? It's the same as the current intermediate item in the game with an outline. Maybe re-use the graphic from K2 li-ion batteries instead with some tweaks. If you'd like I can help you with the same.

3 years ago

The basic charged batteries are the vanilla batteries. Why should the charged version look different from the uncharged version? And using something different than a glowing outline - like a glowing flash symbol or charge level - is hard to see when zoomed out. Also, the K2 battery already comes with the glowing outline for IR2 support, so that's not something under my control.

I could probably try to come up with new looks for the higher tiers of batteries. I think K2 batteries are based on an old version of the vanilla battery. It's just a lot of work for something that's not often visible close up.

3 years ago
(updated 3 years ago)

I apologize if I wasn't clear in my request. I meant all the rechargeable battery items that your mod provides should use a different icon to differentiate from the vanilla battery intemediate item. The primary reason is to be able to distinguish in selection screens, between the battery intermediate that is used for accumulators etc., vs rechargeable battery that can be placed into trains. I always get confused and need to hover over the two icons to read names and pick the one I need.

The various states of charged / discharged / etc within the batteries that this mod provides are fine with the stroke/glow as right now. Hope that clears up the confusion.

3 years ago
(updated 3 years ago)

I colored the battery icons to make them distinguishable. Maybe I chose poorly for people with anomalous trichromacy?

The icon of the vanilla battery is unchanged, some slightly dirty grey. The advanced batteries have a yellow tint (these are replaced with the K2 batteries when available), the holmium ones are pinkish red and the naquium batteries have a dark purplish blue. The SE variants try to match the color of the materials they are made from.

I see where the grey of the vanilla batteries is similar to the dark color of the naquium ones. I didn't want to change the vanilla color so as to not confuse people. But maybe it would actually help to better distinguish them from the naquium ones? I'm thinking light blue (somewhat closer to the original grey) or green (more distinct).

2 years ago

I played some more with K2 and holmium batteries and think it works well. The individual battery icons are in fact distinguishable, so that's not a huge problem I think. With that said, feel free to archive this discussion as no action is needed.

Thanks for the discussion and apologies for the bother!
This has become one of the mods that will always sit beside my regular QoL mods for all future games. Thanks for making it!

New response