Battery Powered

by harag

Provides several tiers of batteries that can be charged and used as fuel or to transport energy. The highest tiers require Space Exploration.

3 months ago
1.1 - 2.0
Trains Power

b [0.2.0][Fixed] Can only use batteries as fuel on certain vehicles

3 years ago
(updated 3 years ago)

Not sure if this is a bug or intended.
When using this mod the AAI Chaingunner, Flame Tumbler, Warden and Hauler can now only use batteries as fuel.

All other vanilla or modded vehicles I have installed accept both burnable and batteries as fuel.

3 years ago

The AAI vehicles don't define any fuel category. This fine as long as no explicit fuel category is added which this mod does. The fix is to also add the default "chemical" category in this case.

New response