Baron Factions

by wasmoo

Multiplayer mod that creates teams that dedicated to each kind of power source in Factorio.

1 year, 3 months ago
0.18 - 1.1

i Easier ways to assign factions

1 year, 6 months ago

I am trying to make my mod compatible but I'm having some challenges.

Can you add more ways for it to infer the faction based on incomplete data?
Ex: set the flag on the entity, so use the same faction on items that place it and recipes that craft that item.
It seems like you need to set the factions tags on the entity, item, and recipe. This is a little bit of a challenge because other mods might add related entities and recipes without the flags.

Can you add a way to assign ammo and crafting categories to factions?
Ex: assign bullet to the burner faction.
That means you need to search all turrets, guns, and vehicles that shoot them, then find all the ammo of that type, and then find the recipes for all of them. It's a recursive nightmare.

Can you document all the magic constants (preferably on the mod portal page)?
baron-constants.lua seems to be missing some. It can be hard to have the mod be optional because I need to tag every recipe with a helper function. I need to prefix everything with a null-check to see if the function even exists. It would be a little nicer to set a documented magic constant on every recipe/item/entity.

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