Baron Factions

by wasmoo

Multiplayer mod that creates teams that dedicated to each kind of power source in Factorio.

1 year, 2 months ago
0.18 - 1.1
4 years ago
Latest Version:
1.1.39 (1 year, 2 months ago)
Factorio version:
0.18 - 1.1
Downloaded by:
361 users

Baron Factions is intended to be played by multiple players cooperatively. When a player joins, they must choose which faction they will join. Each faction has specialized buildings that produce and consume only one kind of energy: Electric, Steam, Burner, or Heat.

Each faction is given its own starting area so that they may build independently from other factions. The following unique technologies are available, per faction:


  • Electric plate - short-ranged electric pole
  • Micro generator - inexpensive, inefficient electric generator
  • Electric generator - creates electricity without water


  • Clean fuels - all "generators" can produce fuel that is cleaner and more efficient than their typical counter-parts
  • Roller belt recipes - allows certain belts to be made cheaply
  • Longer inserters - VLH and ELH inserters for more flexibility
  • Fuel leaching - inserters can refuel from any burner building pickup


  • Stone well - cheap source of water
  • Micro boiler - cheap converter from water to steam
  • Thin pipe - low-capacity pipes that can be stepped over
  • Steel, stone, and plastic pipes - more pipe varieties for various applications


  • Fire pit - cheap source of heat
  • Heat burner reactor - generates heat from fuel
  • Heat wire - inexpensive heat transmitter
  • Steel heat wire - effective heat transmitter
  • Heat tower - transmits heat over distances

Known issues

  • Some buildings do not display power levels: electric-turret (burner and heat only), roboport, and beacon
  • fast-transfer (ctrl-click, shift-click) of burner fuel into the above types does not work as expected
  • Some heat faction's logistics controllers do not require power: lamp, decider-combinator, arithmetic-combinator, and programmable-speaker
  • Thin pipe is not upgradable because of the different collision mask
  • Changing factions while crafting causes the crafting to be restarted


This mod works reasonably well with other mods. By default, all prototypes added by mods in the data and data-updates cycle will automatically be processed by each faction. Recipes, items, and entities for all energy-consuming or energy-producing buildings will be duplicated, altered, and marked for each faction.

Making Faction-unique recipes, items, or entities

Baron Factions identifies recipe -> item -> entity prototype trees, and validates that the tree's factions are set correctly. Generally, it is enough to mark either the recipe or the entity as faction-unique.

To specify a prototype as faction-unique, add the key "factions" with an array of one or more of burner, electric, heat, steam.

For example:

    type = "recipe",
    name = "power-plate",
    factions = {"electric"},

Advanced modding options

Prototypes may additionally be marked with a special "baron-flags" table to further adjust behavior. See baron-library for more details.


heat icon png 2
Electric-generator from bobpower.