Baron Factions

by wasmoo

Multiplayer mod that creates teams that dedicated to each kind of power source in Factorio.

1 year, 3 months ago
0.18 - 1.1

g [RESOLVED] Breaks upon Load

3 years ago
(updated 3 years ago)

Failed to load mods: Error while loading entity prototype "baron-heat-tower" (underground-belt): tile_width must be 1 but it is 2

Turns out that that is one of at least 3 errors I discovered (patched that and tile_height must be 1) and the heat reactor is broken. (something about 1 != 12).

3 years ago

I'm not surprised the heat towers have failed. I haven't patched them since Factorio fixed the heat transfer issue back in v0.18.

I'll take a look this week.

3 years ago

I've fixed the issues. Apparently underground belts can no longer be 2x2, so I've shrunk the towers to 1x1. The other issue was that the watermark was causing a failure when being added to certain structures with the new variation count (i.e. nuclear reactor.)

Everything seems to be working now, but give it a try and let me know.

3 years ago
(updated 3 years ago)

Well, it loads, which is better than it started out, but it breaks when you research everything in sandbox/editor mode. It also breaks when you click a faction:
LuaEntity doesn't contain key character_logistic_slot_count, and it quotes register-handles.lua:37

3 years ago

I wish weren't down right now. I have no idea what they changed the value to.

3 years ago

Updated again. I removed the character_logistic_slot_count check, which means you'll lose your logistics requests on respawn, but at least it won't crash. I also found a crash error when attempting to select a faction in sandbox mode, so I fixed that.

However, I was unable to recreate the sandbox crash by researching everything. Are there any other mods you're using? Are there specific mods settings you are using that causes the crash?

3 years ago

I think you fixed it because I just loaded into a sandbox map and it didn't crash.

3 years ago

Woohoo! I'm glad it's working again!

New response