Balanced Waterfill

by Kabinet

Adds a more balanced counterpart to other, popular waterfill mods. Keeps buildings, spidertrons, cliffs, and other entities safe from being destroyed by waterfill, while still letting you use offshore pumps wherever you like. Highly configurable, and fully compatible with several popular mods including Space Exploration and Cargo Ships. Walkable to prevent you from making impenetrable defenses.

1 year, 8 months ago

i Cargoship Mod Waterways on Shallow water [Resolved]

2 years ago

Would it be possible for you to provide an option to allow placing paths from cargoship mod on your shallow water?

2 years ago

Of course! I'll release an update sometime soon.

2 years ago

Just bumping this up while I'm here. I love this mod as a replacement for Canal Builder, but the lack of this functionality limits that a bit.

2 years ago

Just bumping this up while I'm here. I love this mod as a replacement for Canal Builder, but the lack of this functionality limits that a bit.

I'll look into this, but the tile collision logic is a big mess at the moment, and integrating with another mod would most likely require me to pick through it's code for a while, I'll get back to you on how this goes. I haven't played Factorio in a while, hence the seemingly abandoned request, I have tried in the past to get this to work, but I'll give it another shot, no guarantees however.

2 years ago

No worries. It might motivate me to find some time and dig through the code myself. ;)

2 years ago

No worries. It might motivate me to find some time and dig through the code myself. ;)

All done the update, big changes in this one, it has all the requested features and a few extra! :D

2 years ago

Awesome, thank you! :)

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