Automatic Fill

by Laendra

Utilizes player mod settings to determine how much fuel or ammo is requested to fill burner type entities or turret type entities, respectively. Tries to utilize the best available option first. To disable an option, set it to 0.

5 years ago

i A blacklist for fuel types

6 years ago

Can we get some way to prevent certain modded fuels from being inserted? I was trying to use this to speed up an omni+aai run, but random things like omnite and chests were being inserted into fuel slots instead of vehicle fuel.

6 years ago

it shouldn't be inserting anything other than the fuels listed in the player's mod settings...

6 years ago

try setting those fuels to 0 and see if you still get those weird things inserted...seems like the devs included some auto-fueling of locomotives and automobiles/tanks....

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