Automatic Belt Direction

When laying belts, automatically adjust direction of belt.

4 years ago
0.16 - 1.1

g Blueprints in Editor mode that are auto-revived have belts inappropriately adjusted

4 years ago

In /editor if you turn on the option to immediately build blueprints, then this mod will inappropriately change the direction of some of the belts in a blueprint when it's placed.

4 years ago

I'm unable to reproduce the effect. Whenever I lay belts in Editor Mode, they stay as they are. Also with blueprints, belts in them are not changed when the blueprint is layed. Maybe it has something to do with 'auto-revived blueprints', but I don't know what that is.

Also, when I'm in the Editor Mode, my mod doesn't even work for me. No belts are affected in any way.

What can be tried is turning the mod on and off in-game. There is a GUI (of a belt) that you can click to turn it on or off. Or use the shortcut CTRL-B.

4 years ago

In the editor settings there is a checkbox so that when you place a blueprint, the entities are immediately placed, rather than ghosts. That is the "auto revive" option I was referring to.

I'll try to write out a more specific set of reproduction steps.

4 years ago
(updated 4 years ago)
  1. Load only Base mod and Automatic Belt Direction
  2. Single Player, New Game, Freeplay, default settings
  3. /editor
  4. Settings tab, check "instant blueprint building"
  5. Tools tab, Time pane, Play button (unpause time, because the mod doesn't apply changes until time advances)
  6. Import and place this blueprint:


  7. See blueprinted belts change direction.

4 years ago

Ty, sparr, that helped.

The mod indeed changes the belts in an instant blueprint in editor mode. However, fixing this is a bit difficult. Although we can detect that Editor Mode is active, it's hard to correctly detect the difference between belts placed by the player and belts placed by an instant blueprint.

I could disable the mod altogether in Editor Mode, but that sounds a bit overkill, and doesn't fix the issue, but rather circumvents it.

For now, I'll leave it as it is. It is still possible to toggle the mod on and off, since this option still works. Just use the GUI on the top left corner (it may be hidden behind the editor GUI) to toggle the mod on and off, or use the default CTRL-B shortcut.

I will update the mod homepage with this info.

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