
by therax

Autobuild allows your character to automatically build, deconstruct, and upgrade nearby ghosts. A more efficient alternative to mods like Bluebuild.

11 months ago
0.17 - 1.1

g (fixed) Seems to Change the color of the game.

2 years ago

Eventually the colours got so strong it got unplayable, removing this mod solved the problem.

2 years ago

Autobuild shows a square around the character when turned on to show what's in range to be built. If you're playing with long reach mod, then the highlight will cover the entire screen.

You can change the intensity of the highlight in Settings -> Mod settings -> Per player -> Autobuild -> Visual area opacity. Setting the opacity to 0 will disable the highlight entirely.

2 years ago
(updated 2 years ago)

Should it be disabled by default? Or opacity a bit lower? In combination with long reach, it might be too much.

2 years ago

I added a setting to En-/disable the visual contruction area. This should be more obvious

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